Monday, March 12, 2012

        Many people still believe that astronomers go out at night with their portable telescopes to appreciate all the beautiful images that come from their telescopes. And their porpuse of all of this is to be able to find a new celestial body and have the honor of naming it. However, this mental picture that most people get is partially incorrect. Thanks to the advance in technology astronomers do not have to endure long nights in the cold in order to obtain a small amount of data. Today telescopes could gather vast amount of information about a specific area of space that computers are needed in order to process all the information. After the astronomers obtains the images wanted, they analyze them and creates computer models of the phenomena that its been study. Astronomers usually plan before hand what images or information they want to gather with the telescope before using it, since they are only permitted to use the telescope for a limited amount of time.

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